Art Dealers
Agnes Bernice Martin

Agnes Bernice Martin (1912 - 2004) was active/lived in New York, New Mexico, Saskatchewan / Canada.  Agnes Martin is known for Biomorph to minimal-grid images.

Biography photo for Agnes Bernice Martin
One of the leading contemporary artists in 20th-century America, Agnes Martin was known for her monochromatic, geometric grid painting that combined paint and faintly wavering pencil lines.  She is considered a forerunner of Minimalist art.  She began her career in New York, and spent her later years in New Mexico from where she managed to maintain a national reputation.  

She lived most of her life "fundamentally as a loner" (Cotter).  In 1967 when her career was ascending in New York, she left the city, traveled the country in a pick-up camper and quit painting for seven years.   Likely her desire to be alone was related to her innate way of dealing with turmoil, which was to withdraw unto herself and go into a trance-like state, clinically defined as catatonia.  She later told stories of these reactions that began in her childhood and included an experience in Bombay, India where she fell into such a deep trance that s   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 6922 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 389 auction lots for Agnes Bernice Martin (of which 322 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 2 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 8 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Agnes Bernice Martin as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Agnes Bernice Martin in 2 of its research Essays. Agnes Bernice Martin has 3 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Agnes Bernice Martin available:    Robert Peter Mangold,  Brice Marden,  Morris Louis,  Donald Clarence Judd,  Bruce Nauman,  Joan Mitchell,  Isamu Noguchi,  Ellsworth Kelly,  Richard Serra,  Philip Guston,  Richard Diebenkorn,  Carl Andre,  Barnett Benedict Newman,  Cy Twombly,  Eva Hesse,  Joseph Cornell,  Sol LeWitt,  Sean Scully,  David (Roland) Smith,  Robert Ryman,  Kenneth Noland,  Frank Stella,  Mark (Rothkowitz) Rothko,  Josef Albers

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Frontiers New Mexico Gallery
9101 County Road 133
Kaufman, TX  75142


203 Fine Art
1335 Gusdorf Rd. Suite I
Taos, NM  87571


William A. Karges Fine Art
Sixth Ave between San Carlos & Dolores Streets
Carmel, CA  93921


Eric Firestone Gallery
4 Newtown Lane
East Hampton, NY  11937


Robert L. Parsons Fine Art
131 Bent Street
Taos, NM  87571


Steven Stern Fine Arts
2525 Main Street
Suite 109
Santa Monica, CA  90405


Santa Fe Art Auction
932 Railfan Rd
Santa Fe, NM  87505


Addison Rowe Fine Art
229 E. Marcy Street
Santa Fe, NM  87501
